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ABRACADABRA! For Turbo C Version 1.0
Welcome to Magic Software's Instant Resident Utility Maker
ABRACADABRA. Hopefully in no time at all we will be having you
create some amazing TSR programs with a simplicity BEFORE NOW
unheard of. We have also here at Magic coined a new term TCR
meaning Terminate but Continue Running which describes programs
which continue to run concurrently even while you are using the
pc to run a main program. These are just as easy to create with
For me, writing TSRs used to be like first learning to program.
Without a library to facilitate me or even the know how to build
one I was somewhat in the dark. There wasn't even a book on the
subject. I was later to learn why. The secrets of this activity
were being guarded heavily by the few who knew them. I thought
this was completely at odds with the hacker ethic but what could
I do? Well after a few years of hobnobbing with these nuts,
geniuses and boneheads, each of whom had a piece of the puzzle I
was able to gather them all together and modularize them into
For most of you, the fact that you were even interested in this
library guarantees you will have a fascinating time of it as
these secrets are revealed.
If you are already familiar with these internals you can skip
right to the section describing the library primitives otherwise
read on.
What makes a TSR a TSR? Certainly NOT just the fact that it
remains resident. Device drivers loaded in your CONFIG.SYS file
remain resident but they are not generally considered a TSR. A
TSR has several distinct qualities that define it.
1. It remains in memory after initial loading from disk and can
be instantly invoked from memory.
2. The invocation of a TSR must be able to occur WITHIN another
program. That's what gives them their utility value.
3. The interrupted program can resume running after the TSR is
switched out.
4. An additional quality we will add for a TCR (Terminate
Continue Running) is that it can continue to execute even after
it has been switched out.
When you are writing TSRs you are engaging in a limited degree of
multitasking. ABRACADABRA lets you take it to a full program swap
which means the ENTIRE program is switched, stack, data and all
INCLUDING screen and any disk access related memory items.
It is no small feat to program but all this work has been
modularized for you in ABRACADABRA. If you have purchased the
source code then you can follow along in the next section,
otherwise you can skip right to the description of the
ABRACADABRA library functions and how to use them.
What makes it so difficult? Why isn't it easy to write TSRs?
Actually the program which swaps programs while complex, is not
the hardest part of this whole scenario. While complex, it is
quite abstract and orderly because it is a transaction that
occurs entirely between the CPU and memory. The 8086 has always
been somewhat friendly in those terms.
The difficulties occur as you get further into the real world
away from the protected confines of the CPU and into the program
jungle called MS-DOS. DOS is essentially hostile toward attempts
at making it a multitasking program manager. So we have to do all
kinds of greasy kid stuff to make it comply with our wishes.
While the problem is complex, it is finite.
The core of the problem, switching programs, is handled by simply
saving the swapped out programs complete register set and
replacing it with the swapped in programs registers. You can
examine this in more detail in the source listing of the macros
SAVPRC (save process) and RESPRC (restore process). When a
process is put to sleep it's registers are stored in a special
area loosely called the TASK CONTROL BLOCK (TCB). Other relevant
data is also stored here and we'll cover that next.
Besides the registers, there is other baggage that each program
has attached that must also be switched. This consists of special
data areas DOS sets up for disk access, screen contents, video
modes, cursor position, and special interrupt addresses each
program uses for critical error handling and control-c break
The unfriendly attitude DOS has regarding multitasking is very
deeply rooted in it's structure. A quick summary of what DOS is,
is simply a set of functions that a program can call to do
things. In this manner it is no different than a function library
you get with compiler type languages. It is designed however to
be called from anywhere. You don't have to know the actual
address of each function, you just load up your parameters and
execute a software interrupt 21h. This gives control of the
machine to DOS with the parameters you pass. It executes your
desire and returns control to your program when it is done.
However, DOS routines, like some languages, cannot handle
overlapping calls. You must finish one before another is
undertaken. This is because when you make a call, DOS switches
from your program's stack to it's own internal set. Whatever is
pushed here must be fully popped. If you try to call DOS before
it has finished a previous cycle everything goes fine but when
the previous cycle tries to complete it finds it's stack data has
been trashed. This is unfortunate because in a multitasking
environment you have programs which are all requesting DOS
assistance at roughly the same time.
The way around this is to check if DOS is currently executing an
internal routine and have our programs wait until it is done
before requesting a subsequent service. A good solution would be
to latch onto the interrupt 21h and set a semaphore (flag)
whenever someone went through there and turn it off when they
came back out. That way we'd know when DOS was occupied.
Surprisingly DOS itself does just this and that flag is available
to our programs. There is an undocumented DOS feature which most
programmers call "The Dos Busy Flag" or "The Dos Critical Flag".
This flag exists at an address we can get by calling DOS function
34h. You won't find this in any Microsoft documentation. It is
simply listed as "Used Internally By Dos". So we get that address
and check that flag whenever we want to access DOS and if it's
busy we wait until it isn't.
Because DOS is so finicky about when it can be called we cannot
simply invoke our TSR whenever someone asks. We must be polite
and wait until any DOS services are complete before we take over.
To do this we have to know whether DOS is busy or not.
Now there is another set of routines called the BIOS (BASIC INPUT
OUTPUT SYSTEM) which is like DOS's DOS. DOS calls the BIOS when
it needs a nice prepackaged routine to access peripheral devices.
The BIOS has routines which are solely designed to organize
access to various devices on the PC such as disk drives, monitors
and clocks. The BIOS is actually stored in a chip on your pc and
each machine manufacturer supplies a BIOS (or should) when you
buy the machine. DOS is aptly named because it is a DISK
OPERATING SYSTEM. It's routines are very strong in handling disk
access but very weak in other areas. These weaknesses have made
programming the BIOS as common as using DOS. Something that
wasn't intended but has come about. Sort of like TSRs.
The BIOS is particularly strong in video routines. It can also be
accessed directly by our programs if need be. Of course the
reason for all these layers of routines is to have each layer
present an identical appearance to our programs no matter what
machine we are running on from Hewlett Packard to real IBM. By
bypassing DOS it would seem we sacrifice a small degree of
compatibility from manufacturer to manufacturer but in fact an
IBM compatible must have a compatible BIOS these days since just
about every program written bypasses DOS in some way or another
especially for video display which DOS has hideously poor
provision for. There doesn't even exist DOS functions to change
colors on the monitor it's so deficient.
Thankfully the BIOS which is pretty compatible from machine to
machine is really only routines and no substitute stack areas.
When you call the BIOS it simply assumes your program's stack has
enough room to accommodate whatever it needs and doesn't bother
to swap at all. Thus it can be called and interrupted any number
of times. ABRACADABRA uses the BIOS a lot to "get around" DOS.
When a routine can be called again before it is finished it is
said to be re-entrant. You can RE ENTER it before it is finished.
Smartly written this BIOS.
Now what do we want to accomplish with a TSR? Mainly we want that
facility instantly available. Ok, so that means we need to keep
the TSR in memory right? Ok so we need have a module which
handles the terminate aspect and the necessary memory allocation
associated with that. What else? Yes you ... That's right, we
want to be able to access it with a keystroke so we will have to
be tinkering with the way the PC accepts keystrokes. We need to
be able to program HOTKEYS. Oh yes, and because our programs can
optionally continue to run "in background" we will be looking at
something called TIMER TICK which we will use to control how long
each program gets control before is is forced to swap out in
order to share CPU time. And of course because we are possibly
using ABRACADABRA in conjunction with a compiled language we will
need to know a little bit about run time memory architecture of
compiled languages. Also, because we need to be able to control
the screen behavior when programs swap we will be delving into
Modern compiled languages like BASIC, C and PASCAL share common
in memory organization. This is called RUN TIME ARCHITECTURE.
When your program is running it's memory is divided into these
areas. Some or all of these divisions exist in all languages but
the order they appear in memory may differ. The manual that came
with your language most likely has the details (in highly
technical terms) but below is a general synopsis of the area so
that you can understand some of the issues which follow.
Figure 1
to be added later
At the lowest point in memory is the PROGRAM SEGMENT PREFIX
(PSP). This is an area that DOS constructs when your program
loads that contains various information about your program. The
PSP sometimes exists at offset 0 from the CS register but this
cannot be counted upon. It is always 100 hex bytes long. Next
above the PSP at offset 100h into the program space comes the
program CODE. The actual instructions to the microprocessor.
Above the CODE comes various segments of data storage and the
programs DS register is usually set to the base of this area, the
first of which is usually INITIALIZED DATA, sometimes called
CONSTANT data or CONST internally. This is information such as
string literals that will not change as the program executes.
Next storage space for variables whose values may change but
whose memory allocation size remains constant. Internally this is
usually called DATA. Next usually comes STACK. Here is the space
where the stack is kept and most languages default to a stack
size of 256 bytes although this does differ radically depending
on the type of language. AI languages are an exception and have a
HUGE stack because of the way they deal with recursion. Above the
stack comes an area called the HEAP (Sometimes STACK is above
HEAP). The heap is a resevoir of memory that the program can call
on if it needs more memory during execution. This is called
DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATION. Remember rarely does a language fit
this description exactly so check your manuals for the specifics.
ABRACADABRA's features can all be accessed by it's one main
function, TSRSET. In fact TSRSET is the only function most
programs will ever need to turn them into TSR's. TSRSET is coded
into your program by you and the parameters you give it determine
the operating characteristics of your TSR. Let's take each
parameter, what it does and why and how. That is, HOTKEYS, TIME
Let's start with parameter 4 just to be difficult. Parameter 4
defines how your program deals with memory when it terminates and
stays resident. You basically have 3 choices. Either let
ABRACADABRA figure out how much memory you need, tell it
absolutely how many paragraphs of memory to reserve for your
program, or have it set the top of memory at a convenient
location for most languages, the stack floor. That address from
which the program's stack grows downward.
If you put a zero you are telling ABRA to figure it out itself. A
well behaved, modern language does some house-cleaning
immediately upon loading. One of the things it does it turn over
any memory it isn't going to be using back to DOS. So what we
have TSRSET do is request more memory. DOS tells us the address
of the next block of unused memory and we assume that our program
lies safely below this so we truncate at this location.
If you decide to put a -1 TSRSET will use the stack, which
usually but not always delineates top of program, to determine
where to truncate. If you are using what is called a SMALL MEMORY
MODEL, TSRSET knows that the stack and stack pointer always point
to the top of the programs initial memory allocation so it
determines where the stack is, adds a couple paragraphs for
insurance and Terminates leaving your program resident.
If you give TSRSET any value besides 0 or -1 it uses this an an
absolute value of the number of paragraphs you want to remain in
memory OF THE PROGRAM DATA SEGMENT. Most languages have their
main data segment defined largely by the location of the DS
register, and almost always ABOVE the code area, it counts the
number of paragraphs you passed it and truncates your program
there plus a few insurance paragraphs. It then moves the stack
down into this area so its current and future values are
To do all these terminations TSRSET uses DOS function 31h which
is the DOS Terminate and Stay Resident function.
Figure 2
to be added later
Now, most languages, whether or not they make if accessible to
you the programmer or not, keep a large chunk of memory reserved
for what is called DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATION. This workspace is
commonly referred to as THE HEAP. It is workspace memory that the
main program can use if it needs. For example in a language like
BASIC if you were to concatenate two strings the resulting string
has to go somewhere. The memory for it has to be requisitioned on
the fly. Languages have functions that allocate memory
DYNAMICALLY, while the program is running so everything does not
have to be preset allowing much more flexibility. Languages like
PASCAL and C have functions that the programmer can call in order
to request a piece of workspace. In C this duty is handled by the
ALLOC function family.
In programming TSRs the HEAP is somewhat a nuisance. It is this
large piece of unused memory that you sometimes wish wasn't there
since in most cases you are trying to keep the program as small
as possible. On top of this sometimes, in what is called the
LARGE MEMORY MODELS, the compiler assumes that all the memory
past the program up to the end of physical memory is THE HEAP.
This means if your TSR has another program on top of it and the
TSR requests more memory it will simply go ahead and carve out a
chunk of the other program's space and use it (A problem we have
to live with until a PROTECTED MODE DOS becomes available) OR
think they have no HEAP space left because DOS says there is no
more memory left (Because another program is loaded therein).
Needless to say this does an effective job of killing the
computer right there. The LARGE memory models actually create
smaller programs because they keep the HEAP above the stack.
Since the HEAP is something that can or cannot be used according
to the programmer's discretion it is better that essential
program items like code and stack are kept as low in possible in
memory so that when you terminate you can amputate the HEAP
without losing that stack.
Using other than option 0 is really butchering up the compiled
language. It's not pretty but it works.
There are several solutions to this problem. Sometimes your
language has a function to adjust the size of the HEAP in which
case you should definitely go ahead and use it to size down this
monster. You can also avoid doing dynamic memory allocation
altogether which is not that difficult and in some cases, your
TSR is a full blown program in it's own right, not just a
utility, so HEAP allocation is necessary and not a nuisance.
Ok, so now we have your program in memory and if it successfully
loads, that is, you didn't set your allocation too low, it is now
installed. The qualities it has now are dependent on the 2nd and
3rd parameters you gave the TSRSET function. If either are zero
then the following does not apply. If non-zero, each number
determines the number of timer clock ticks each program will
receive in turn. The first parameter is the number of ticks the
normal DOS program running in the foreground gets. The second
number is the number of ticks the TCR gets. Remember, if your
program is using this feature it is a TCR (Terminate Continue
In order to perform the switching between tasks the ABRACADABRA
library has grafted itself into a hardware interrupt commonly
known as timer tick, or interrupt 1ch. When DOS comes up
interrupt 1CH is constantly firing about every 18th of a second.
In a virgin state that interrupt simply points to an interrupt
return (IRET) instruction, however if you are running other TSRs
they usually use this one also as it is very convenient. Now
every 18th of a second or so we receive control and can do as we
please. Each of the swapping programs (DOS normal and TSR) has
stored in it's TASK CONTROL BLOCK the number of ticks it is
allowed to execute. When a program gets swapped in we load up a
variable called PERIOD (see source code) with the tick value.
Then each time timer tick gets control it decrements this value
by 1 and checks to see if 0 has been reached (See stime procedure
in source code). When 0 is reached we begin steps to switch out
the current program and switch in the other because this program
has used up it's time slice. Now there is more to our INT 1CH
handler than that but we will take that up in a minute.
So let's assume our timer tick has counted down to zero and it is
time to swap. We don't directly swap, we simply set a variable
called doswap to 1 and wait until the necessary conditions for a
polite interruption are in existence. Timer tick is also the main
function responsible for checking these conditions. You'll notice
as you enter it that it checks several conditions before actually
invoking the SWPPRC (Swap Process) function (see source code).
So every 18th of a second or so timer tick is checking to see if
we are ready to invoke our TSR. Sometimes DOS can be busy for
quite a while so our program may not have the rhythm we would
hope. It may take several seconds from the moment it's timer
ticks have run out to the time it is swapped if something like a
disk service is in progress.
In addition to not interrupting DOS we must also beware of not
interrupting an external block device in the process of doing
something. Mainly a disk drive. We must let a disk drive complete
its request because if we in our TSR move the read/write head in
the middle of a read the interrupted program will finish off the
read or write with the head in the wrong place. Potentially very
disastrous. So we have the disk check interrupt which sits on top
of the bios disk service interrupt 13h and tells us when someone
is in there and prevents timer tick from actually invoking the
We also do the same thing with the video interrupt 10h to avoid
interrupting a program with a half loaded set of video card
Now lets assume our TSR is not invoked by timer ticks but by the
keyboard. This is what the first parameter of TSRSET defines.
What the HOTKEY is. The detail section on TSRSET has all the
details on how to choose which key. Keyboard actions whenever
they occur cause an interrupt 9 and the CPU hands over temporary
control to whatever routine is there to handle interrupt 9.
Normally it is the BIOS but with todays TSRs which all use
HOTKEYS there can be 5 or 6 programs all waiting in line
salivating over the latest keystroke. Our interrupt 9 handler
just does a little bit of checking for the identity of the key.
If it is the key we defined as our HOTKEY is sets the doswap flag
to 1 and exits. It is now once again up to timer tick to actually
invoke our TSR when conditions are right.
Now you may have been wondering what the int28 function does. It
looks very similar to timer tick and indeed it is a timer tick
function also. There are actually 3 timer interrupts going in the
pc when it is running. interrupt 28 is an auxiliary interrupt
that was apparently installed so that PRINT.COM could run
multitasking. You see, DOS has a function INPUT LINE which
accepts a whole line of input from the keyboard. All the while
this is going on the DOS busy flag is set so timer tick cannot
interrupt the program if a doswap is triggered. It is unfortunate
that COMMAND.COM uses this function to accept command lines. IF
we had to rely solely on timer tick we could never invoke a TSR
from the DOS command line. The way to circumvent this is to use
INT28h. DOS can actually be divided into 3 separate subprograms
somewhat reflecting release versions. When one section is busy it
is possible to access another section without causing the non-
reentrancy problems outlined at the beginning of this chapter.
When an interrupt 28 is active it means DOS is active on INPUT
LINE (function 0AH ) and so only functions 0CH and below are non
usable. You can use any of the functions above this without
crashing the system. Since functions 0CH and below deal only with
display output and keyboard input and are in general crummy
anyway, can design our TSRs not to use DOS for console I/O. In
fact, the BIOS itself is quite friendly when it comes to these
services. ABRACADABRA includes several functions that allow you
to do screen I/O and keyboard input without using DOS. You should
use these as opposed to language statements like PRINTF, PRINT,
Of course if you must use these you can. However you won't be
able to invoke the TSR during INPUT LINE. The sixth parameter in
TSRSET determines this. If it is a 1 it means your TSR does not
use any DOS functions below 0CH. If it is a zero it means it does
use them and not to allow a pop up in the middle of one of these
There are some other non-minor but easily handled details to
Whenever DOS is doing disk I/O there is a 128 byte area of memory
that all the data passes through on its way to your program. It
is called the DISK TRANSFER AREA, or DTA for short. If we
interrupt a program and are going to be doing any disk I/O we
must switch that area to our own program's DTA since DOS normally
only keeps one DTA for the entire system. Otherwise we will
scramble the interrupted programs last data transfer. When we
switch our TSR out we must restore the interrupted programs
former DTA.
Whenever a critical error occurs like trying to access an open
floppy drive, DOS invokes an interrupt 24h. This is the notorious
Abort, Retry or Ignore prompt that comes up. Now we can't let a
user choose the Abort option or else we will exit the TSR and
crash the system so ABRACADABRA sets up it's own interrupt 24h
handler and tells DOS to ignore the error.
When console I/O is going on the user is allowed to press
CONTROL-C or CONTROL-BREAK to abort the program. We don't want
this to happen either. Whenever CONTROL-C is pressed DOS invokes
interrupt 23h. ABRACADABRA sets up interrupt 23h to ignore
CONTROL-C and CONTROL-BREAK. Thus the only way for the user to
exit the TSR is with your, the programmer's, permission and that
would only be by an actual TSR removal, a complex procedure to
politely release all the strings the TSR pulled to be where it
got to be.
TSRSET causes your program to ride important interrupt jumps and
monitor them in order to do TSR.
Figure 3
To be added later
There are two files which contain the library functions.
MGABRA.OBJ contains the actual TSR functions and is all that you
really need MGUN.OBJ contains functions that deal will
uninstalling TSRs and polling them for information about their
All the functions below are far functions meaning they are called
from your program with a far call. Simply including the external
declaration file (MGABRA.H) in your source code will take care of
telling your compiler this. The primary and only absolutely
essential function to use is TSRSET. The others are there to help
you polish your TSR. Because they are in assembly language their
parameter passing is set thus the cdecl in case you are compiling
your other functions with PASCAL conventions.
TSRSET(hotkey, tsrticks, dosticks, memory, screen, int28)
int far cdecl tsrset(int key, int dosticks, int tsrticks, int
mem, int scswap, int int28);
All the above parameters are 16 bit integer values.
The HOTKEY is passed as a word value, high byte is shift key bit
number and the low byte is the normal scan key status. So the
value 0x0201 hex would mean the HOTKEY was left shift escape
because 02 is the bit the left shift key activates when pressed
and 01 is the scan code of the escape key. APPENDIX 1 is a table
of the values associated with each key. As another NOTE your TSRs
in native state use the same HOTKEY for pop up as well as pop
out. Although once your TSR is active you can use any key combo
combined with the SWAP function (covered later) to swap out the
Remember, these are NOT THE ASCII codes. They are a hardware
value sent by the keyboard whenever it is pressed. So you see the
Z key has only one value. This is because upper or lower case is
determined by the state of the shift keys, not solely by which
key is pressed.
The next parameter, memory is the size of memory to reserve for
the program when it terminates. This is the most complex and
maddening part of TSR programming and is covered more thoroughly
above. Bascially If you put a zero ABRACADABRA will determine
memory by asking DOS where the first area of free memory is and
truncating your program beneath that. If you put a -1 ABRACADABRA
will truncate your program at the base of it's stack and if you
put any other value ABRACADABRA will leave that many paragraphs
above the program's DS register (DATA SPACE) in memory and
relocate the stack safely within that area.
The tsrticks and dosticks parameters determine how many timer
ticks each process will get. The first parameter is how many
ticks the DOS program will get and the second is how many ticks
the TSR gets. This can be used to have a program continue to run
when it is swapped out. Remember that the timer tick occurs 18.2
times a second so if you want this value to be in seconds you
must multiply by 18.2.
The next parameter controls the manner in which the TSR will
manage screen when it is swapped. Each bit in this word has a
special function. If one, the corresponding function is enabled.
See APPENDIX 2 for a table of the specific values you can use
with this function.
The reason for the "swap by key" parameters is so you can have
your TCR running in background and if the user wants it full
blown into foreground only then will the screens swap. You
wouldn't want the screen swapping every 1/2 second if you were
running the TCR on the timer ticks. Your TCR can poll the
function SWPING and if it's true (1) then don't have it write to
the screen. If it's false (0) then that means your TCR has the
full screen so it's ok to write to it. Even better is to have
your TCR (Terminate Continue Running) write all it's output to a
video page other than 1. Then when you swap it in all the video
output it has created is live on that page. The function PUTCHR
has been provided for this purpose.
The INT28 is an option. If your TSR program uses DOS services
under 0CH you will not be able to invoke it under certain
circumstances. That is, whenever DOS is using those services.
They are all services that deal with screen I/O and keyboard
input. For greater versatility you should write your own screen
and keyboard I/O and never use language statements like PRINT and
INPUT (basic) but if you must, set this parameter to 0. You will
not be able to invoke the TSR from the COMMAND.COM prompt. If
your program does not use DOS services less than 0CH you can set
this flag to 1 which will allow you to invoke it in a greater
number of circumstances. The functions PUTCHR, CONOUT and INKEY
have been provided for you to go around DOS to do console I/O.
You can use them as primitives to construct your own console I/O
that does not use DOS.
tsrset(0x083B, 5, 1, 0, 56, 1);
Set the HOTKEY to ALT-F1 (0x083B), have the program multitask
with 5 timer ticks of the DOS program for every 1 tick of the TCR
program. Have it figure out itself how much memory to retain (0).
Have it swap the entire screen content only when the hot key is
used (56) and it does not use any DOS functions below 0CH (1).
tsrset(0x78, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0);
Have the hotkey set to the gray plus (+) key, no timer tick
multitasking enables, have it save 1000 paragraphs of memory when
it initially loads and terminates. No inherent screen control
active and it uses DOS functions less than 0CH so don't let it
come up when DOS is inputting a line of text.
int far cdecl swpscr(int mode);
SWPSCR allows you to change the swapscreen parameter that you
originally set with TSRSET. Your TSR can dynamically change the
way it treats the screen by resetting the screen swap mode with
this function. The values of mode are the same as those used by
the TSRSET function. Sometimes your TSR will pop up a window and
you don't want to switch the whole screen, just the cursor, so
you can put a 1 here. If you want to whole screen swapped those
options are also available. In it's default state ABRACADABRA
ensures that no ugly snow appears on the screen when using the
Color Graphics Adapter. This slows down screen swapping so if
snow isn't a problem you can set the 256 bit on and it will skip
checking for snow.
int far cdecl hotkey(int keyval);
The HOTKEY function lets your TSR dynamically change the key
which activates it. The value of key is the same as that used in
TSRSET to initially set the hotkey. You can disable the hotkey by
assigning key the value 0.
disables HOTKEY action altogether.
Sets the HOTKEY to ALT SPACE because 08 is the bit pattern for
Alt key press and 39h is the scan code of the space bar. Remember
this parameter takes a 16 bit integer so passing it in hex makes
it easier to see because the high byte is the first two hex
digits and the low byte is the second two.
TIMER(tsrticks, dosticks)
int far cdecl timer(int dosticks, int tsrticks);
The TIMER function allows your TSR to change the value of the
ticks parameters initially set with TSRSET. You can disable the
timer altogether by the statement timer(0, 0);.
timer(10, 1);
This gives the TSR 1 timer tick for every 10 of the foreground
DOS program.
int far cdecl swap(void);
The swap function takes no parameters. It is used by your TSR
to exit and swap back in the program that was interrupted. So a
TSR can tell itself to swap out and this doesn't have to be
determined by a hot key only.
if (time == 012099) swap();
int far cdecl swping(void);
SWPING is a function that sets nothing but returns a non-zero
value if the timer tick activation is currently on (meaning
multi-tasking is occurring) and 0 if the timer is disabled. If
you want your TSR to base some of it's activity on whether it is
multitasking or not you can use this function to determine that.
if (!swping()) conout("Hello There!");
Will ensure that your TCR won't print to the screen while
another program is running. It will only print this if the TCR is
switched in fully.
int far cdecl swapno(void);
int far cdecl swapyes(void);
SWAPNO enables or disables swapping entirely. Sometimes there
may be a critical function happening and you don't want swapping
to occur so you call SWAPNO. To re-enable swapping call SWAPYES.
Would disable swapping entirely. The only way to re-enable it
is for the TSR to execute
int far cdecl status(int val);
STATUS is a way for you to set a value which tells other MAGIC
tsrs when they ask, what the status is of this TSR. For example
if you want to remove a TSR you ask it first if it is OK (It may
have files open or other non-interruptable procedures). You
determine what the values mean, status just sets a value from 0
to 65535.
Now when any program asks PROCST(<tsr address>); it would
receive a 12 in return. You can have the numbers mean whatever
you want and supposedly your collection of TSRs would share a
common set of status codes.
int far cdecl id(int id);
ID is like status except it allows you to have the TSR set a
number for an identification. If you write multiple TSRs and have
a collection each should call ID with it's own unique number.
That way programs which poll the TSRs know which one they are
talking to.
int far cdecl inkey(void);
Inkey waits for the next keystroke and returns an int value
representing it. It is talking directly to the BIOS so bypasses
DOS. This way you don't have to worry about the interrupt 28h
problem. The returned integer value has to be broken down. The
high byte is the ASCII code of the character typed. If it is a
zero it means a special key was typed, like F1 or PGUP. The low
byte is the scan code of the key that was typed. You can do
whatever you want with this information. Remember that INKEY does
not echo to the screen. YOU have to write that in.
int k;
char h;
char *s;
conout("Enter Your Name");
k = inkey();
h = k/256;
while(h <> "\015"){
*s++ = h;
k = inkey();
h = k/256;
int far cdecl conout(char far *s);
You pass conout the address of the null terminated string and
it outputs the string on the console. It bypasses DOS and thus
gets around the interrupt 28 problem. It is possible to use
printf like functions. You have to use SPRINTF which sends the
formatted string to memory and then use conout to send that
memory block to the console. Cursor position is automatically
updated to the end of the string. CONOUT uses BIOS video function
conout("Hey dude! Your TSR is working! Let's Party!");
PUTCHR(cursor row, column, video page, attribute, character)
int far cdecl putchr(int row, int col, int page, int att, char
Putchr allows a pin point placement of a character anywhere in
the pc's video pages with whatever attribute you want. You pass
it all this information. With this service however the cursor
position is not automatically updated. You have to handle that
putchr(12, 40, 2, 16, 'X');
Would put an X in the middle of video page 2 with color
attribute 16.
The functions in MGUN deal with de-installing TSRS.
int far cdecl tsrs(void);
TSRS returns non-zero if any MAGIC TSR's are in memory and 0
if not.
int far * cdecl far firstsr(void);
FIRSTSR returns a 32 bit pointer to the first TSR in the chain
of TSR's in memory. Note: it does not point to the TSRs PSP or
base, only to it's external access function CLEAR. This is so
other routines, now knowing this address, can call it and get
information about the TSR. If FIRSTSR returns a 0 there are no
MAGIC TSRs in memory.
You don't have to treat this pointer as other than a 4 byte
value as you will only use it as a parameter to the other
functions in this section. i.e. don't get muddled about what how
you are going to manipulate a 4 byte pointer, just declare the
pointer variable as such and use it. The internals are taken care
PROCID(tsr address)
int far cdecl procid(int far *f);
PROCID when passed the address of a TSR (Determined with
FIRSTSR or NEXTSR) will return the integer value set with ID by
the TSR. You can tell which TSR is which by using this function.
PROCST(tsr address)
int far cdecl procst(int far *f);
PROCST when given the address of a TSR will return the status
code set with the STATUS function. You can tell what a TSR is up
to if it sets this appropriately with STATUS. Remember, the status
is just a number. You determine what it means and your collection
of TSRs should all share a common set of status meanings.
NEXTSR(tsr address)
int far * cdecl far nextsr();
Given the address of one TSR NEXTSR will return the address of
the next one. If it returns a 0 there is no next one.
UN(tsr address)
int far cdecl un(int far *f);
UN when passed a TSR address will uninstall it and return to
DOS any memory it was using. A TSR cannot UN itself when it is in
residency. TSR's MUST be uninstalled in reverse order they were
installed. This may seem inconvenient but in reality MS-DOS does
not deallocate memory until memory above is deallocated so it
doesn't do any good to de-install a TSR below another one.
int far * cdecl far check(int id);
If you give check an id it will return a far (32 bit) pointer
the tsr with that id is in memory or a zero if it isn't. You can
use it in the beginning of a program load and give a message like
"Program Already Loaded" so they don't load a duplicate of the
Now that we have looked at all the theory behind what goes on
lets run down step by step what you have to do to create your
1. Write your program as a normal DOS program BUT use the special
MGABRA console I/O functions, CONOUT, PUTCHR and INKEY. Debug it
thoroughly. Remember a TSR crashing will crash the whole system.
Also put in STATUS functions with appropriate values wherever the
program is doing something that makes it dangerous to remove from
2. Decide where your program is going to put it's video output.
If it will run concurrently with the foreground DOS program you
can't have it printing to video page 0 ALL the time.
3. Remove any code that lets the program terminate. A TSR can
NEVER terminate like a normal program. It must be uninstalled.
You can leave CONTROL-BREAK active for now though because the
next step will seal that one up.
4. Add the TSRSET function near the beginning of the program,
preferably immediately after you have set up the screen mode for
your program. Also call the ID function with a number for program
identification just before you call TSRSET.
5. Use 0 for parameter 4 of TSRSET. Compile, link and execute. If
the system crashes you should experiment with non-zero values for
this until the program loads without crashing. Sometimes it is
better to make all the TSRSET parameters command line changeable
so you can rapidly get the best combination before you hard code
them in.
6. Run your TSR and fine tune it with the other MGABRA and MGUN
Here are some common problems and their solutions:
Ok. Before you make your program a TSR, run it as a normal
program. If it runs ok only then have it call TSRSET. If it then
crashes the problem is most likely that the stack has been moved
into the code and scrambled the interrupt handlers. Just give
your TSR more resident space. Always start with parameter 4 at
zero as this is the safest route.
The problem is the same as the above except in this case the
next program load is loading into the TSR's interrupt vector code
and scrambling it. The TSR has simply been truncated too short.
Increase the value of the fourth parameter in TSRSET.
Some run time architecture puts the stack beneath the data at
runtime. You have to manually experiment with the proper value
for the 4th parameter in TSRSET. Set it quite large, say 10,000 and
work down getting the lowest possible value you can without
crashing it. That 4th parameter basically relocates the stack.
You want to make sure it goes above all your CONSTANT DATA and
There is a good possibility that the TSR courrupted the other
program's memory. Remember if you are using a large memory model
runtime architecture with your compiled language that using
dynamic memory allocation will cause the TSR to allocate memory
from possibly already in use areas. Very nasty as it could be
eating the interrupted program. Try a small memory model and see
if it's ok then.
Some of your code is using DOS functions 0CH or less to do
console I/O. You are probably using WRITELN, WRITE, PRINTF,
PRINT, INKEY, INPUT, SCANF or something like that. Instead use
our provided functions for this or else put a 0 in the sixth
parameter of TSRSET.
Almost always a stack problem as outlined above. Experiment
with different values for the 4th TSRSET parameter.
Remember your TSR is running somewhat in violation of the laws
of DOS so there are some things you can't do.
Don't have your program terminate normally. If you do DOS returns
to COMMAND.COM and you'll have two COMMAND.COMs operating side by
side and not for long either. Any second the system will go
splat. Of course this could be interesting but unless that is the
intent of your program the user will get very confused. The only
way to remove your TSR gracefully from memory is with the UN
function. If you terminate that way your interrupt handlers are
still live and DOS will de-allocate them at which point your
machine will go bye bye.
If you have a TCR like a modem program that runs in background
remember not to have it write to the console because it will
overwrite the foreground program. While not fatal it is messy.
You can have your TCR (with CGA or EGA) write to a separate video
page. That way when you invoke it with the HOTKEY all the data
that has been scrolling by will be there. Or you could use the
SWPING function and only allow it to write when it isn't
multitasking. Of course this way you lose any screen output
occurring during that time. There are ways around this and
ABRACADABRA gives you the primitives to implement it. You have to
use your imagination. But then, that's why you are a programmer
isn't it?
In general since TSR's are meant to be utilities you want them to
be as small as possible. If you are using a compiled language you
will run into the problem that most of them allocate minimally
64k to data ON TOP OF CODE. Some of the languages provide
functions to size down that area so use those before you call
TSRSET. Using the default of 0 for parameter 4 is not always the
best thing to do. You may have to manually experiment with the
best value here. For C we have found the COMPACT model to create
the smallest TSRs, not the SMALL or TINY models.
In all our endeavors here at MAGIC we have found that the context
switching is the most robust section of ABRACADABRA. Swapping
processes is NEVER the problem. 95% of the problems are caused by
the initial Terminate and Stay Resident phase and how much data
and stack space remains. Once you get by that hassle you are home
free. The other 5% are non-fatal and are caused by screen,
cursor and keyboard conflicts. For example, some programs do not
use the BIOS to position the cursor so when we get their cursor
position to save it prior to swapping it is inaccurate and thus
restores to a funny position when they swap back in. Non-Fatal of
course but messy. It usually re-positions on the first keystroke.
Some machines like the Compaqs give an electronic POP and blank
out noticeably when you swap screens. You can also hear little
electronic chatter from the box when they are writing to other
than video page 0. There's nothing to be done about that for now,
it's a hardware problem!
You can't have two or more multitasking TCRs running at once.
When they swap they start choking each other by restoring a half
swapped foreground process. You end up with just one in control
of the entire machine unable to swap out.
Remember to have your TSR's set status codes appropriate to their
conditions. If you open files make sure the user doesn't un-
install it without closing them first or else he'll lose that
data. You use the STATUS function for that.
Call TSRSET early on because once it is used you cannot return to
any code prior to it's calling. Because it has possibly truncated
any stack returns prior to it's calling.
Run your programs as NON-TSR's first to make sure they are fully
debugged. A TSR crashing usually crashes the whole system, not
just itself.
You may have custom needs for which the default ABRACADABRA
library is not suited. For that you will need to also purchase
the source code. It is easy to modify and well documented.
If you are working in the TURBO C integrated environment don't
RUN your TSR from within it. Otherwise you are loading as a child
process of TURBO C and when you exit TURBO C your TSR will be
removed from memory which means all the interrupts you were
orchestrating will be going nowhere and the system will
immediately crash.
If you have the source code remember when you assemble it to use
the /mx option to preserve case sensitivity. Otherwise when you
link, all the ABRACADABRA externals will not resolve.
All the ABRACADABRA functions are FAR FUNCTIONS so you can use
them with any of the memory models. We have found that the
smallest TSRs result when using the compact model but on occasion
they don't work at all with that memory model.
We here at MAGIC like to consider ourselves hackers in the
lowliest sense of the word and we are here to support what we
hope is an upcoming generation of youngsters who consider the
ability to program as a prerequisite to life.
Happy Hacking!
APPENDIX 1 Key Scan Code Values SHIFT KEY VALUES (high byte)
0 = normal
1 = right shift
2 = left shift
4 = control
8 = alt
16 = scroll lock
32 = num lock
128 = insert
=== ========= === ========= === ========= === =========
1 2 K 37 ; 39 BACKARROW 14
2 3 L 38 ' 40 RETURN 28
3 4 M 50 ` 41 GREY - 74
4 5 N 49 \ 43 GREY + 78
5 6 O 24 , 51 HOME 71
6 7 P 25 / 53 PGUP 73
7 8 Q 16 * 55 PGDN 81
8 9 R 19 SPACE 57 END 79
9 10 S 31 ESCAPE 1 UP 72
0 11 T 20 F1 59 DOWN 80
A 30 U 22 F2 60 RIGHT 77
B 48 V 47 F3 61 LEFT 75
C 46 W 17 F4 62
D 32 X 45 F5 63
E 18 Y 21 F6 64
F 33 Z 44 F7 65
G 34 - 12 F8 66
H 35 = 13 F9 67
I 23 [ 26 F10 68
J 36 ] 27 . 52
APPENDIX 2 Screen Swap Parameter Values
1 = swap cursor whenever programs swap
2 = save screen whenever programs swap
4 = restore screen whenever programs swap
8 = swap cursor only if TSR swap by key
16 = save screen only if TSR swap by key
32 = restore screen only if TSR swap by key
256 = don't take any precautions to avoid "snow" on screen